1.The ith order statistic of n elements is

 Ans: A). The  ith  smallest element

2.The naive approach of solving the selection problem using any comparison sorting algorithm (assume that the input is not initially sorted) has a best case time complexity of

Ans: C). O(n.log n)

3.The worst case run time for RANDOMIZED-SELECT algorithm is

Ans: D). Θ(n2)

4.The order of numbers after last three digits of 1256,1134,2331,1970,2901,4526
are sorted using Radix Sort is:

Ans: C). 1134,1256,2331,4526,2901,1970

5. If the input array in counting sort is A=[4 1 3 4 3], then the auxiliary storage C after just two for loops will contain

Ans: B). 1 0 2 2

6.Which of the following is true about counting sort?

Ans:  A). It is stable

7.The average case running time for bucket sort , if the input is drawn from uniform distribution, is

Ans:C). Θ(n)

8.If the input array in counting sort is A=[5 2 5 4 2 3 1 4], then the auxiliary storage C just after second for loop will contain

Ans:  B). 1 2 1 2 2

9.Consider Radix sort on the numbers 125,322,534,900,623. After the last digit is sorted, what will be the new order of the numbers?

Ans: D). 900,322,623,534,125

10.Consider Radix sort on the numbers 325,425,113,223,197,290. After the last two digits are sorted , what will be the new order of the numbers?

Ans:A). 113,223,325,425,290,197

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