1) Look at the code snippet below:const float * ch = &c ;Which of the following statement is true for the variable ‘ch’ ?

a) const-Pointer to non-const-Pointee
b) non-const-Pointer to const-Pointee
c) const-Pointer to const-Pointee
d) non-const-Pointer to non-const-Pointee

Answer(s) : 
b) non-const-Pointer to const-Pointee

[quads id=1]

2) Look at the following code segment and decide which statement(s) is/are correct.int main(){    char m = 4;    const char n = 5;    const char * p = &n;    char * const q = &m;    // …    n = 6; // stmt-1    *p = 7; // stmt-2    p = &m; // stmt-3    *q = 8; // stmt-4    …    }

a) stmt-1
b) stmt-2
c) stmt-3
d) stmt-4

Answer(s) : 
a) stmt-1
b) stmt-2

3) Identify the output of the following code snippet. int main() {    typedef union Complex {        double re;        double im;    } Complex;    const Complex c = {46} ;    c.im= 59;    cout << c.re;    return 0;}

a) 46
b) Compilation Error: Cannot assign an integer value to a double variable
c) Compilation Error: ‘ im‘ is a read only object
d) 59

Answer(s) : 
c) Compilation Error: ' im' is a read only object

[quads id=1]

4) Identify the correct statement(s) about the following code.#include
using namespace std;
#define TWO 2
#define PI 4.0*atan(1.0)
int main() {
int r = 10;
double peri = TWO * PI * r;
cout << “Perimeter = ”
<< peri << endl;
return 0;


Types of TWO is  determinate


TWO is a manifest constant


Type of PI may be indeterminate


PI look like variable
Answer(s) : 
b) TWO is a manifest constant
c) Type of PI may be indeterminate
d) PI look like variable

5) What will be the output of the following code ?

using namespace std;
double increment(const double &prm) {
return (prm + 1);
int main() {
double x = 10, y;
y = increment(x);
cout << x+2 << ” “<< y;
return 0;


13 11


10 11


12 11


11 11
Answer(s) : 
c) 12 11

[quads id=1]

6) What will be the valid output/ Error of the following code snippet ?

void func(int n1 = 14, int n2) {
cout < }
int main() {
func(2.5, 4);
return 0;


1 14 2.5 4


14 1 2.5 4


14 1 2 4


Compilation error: Default value missing for parameter 2 of func
Answer(s) : 
d) Compilation error: Default value missing for parameter 2 of func

7) What will be the output of the following code snippet?

int Add(int a, int b = 19) { return (a + b); }
double Add(double c) {
return (c + 1);
int main() {
int x = 5, y = 4, z;
z = Add(x, y);

cout << z;
double s = 9.5, u;
u = Add(s);

cout << ” ” << u << endl;
return 0;


9 28


'Add' cannot be resolved (ambiguous)


9 28.5


9 10.5
Answer(s) : 
d) 9 10.5

[quads id=1]

8) Which function prototype will match the function call: func(45.2,65) ?

void func(int, int); // Proto 1
void func(int, double, int = 6); // Proto 2
void func(double, double, char = ‘c’); // Proto 3
void func(double, char = ‘d’, char = ‘c’); // Proto 4


Proto 1


Proto 2


Proto 3


Proto 4
Answer(s) : 
a) Proto 1
b) Proto 2
c) Proto 3

9) What will be the output/Error of the following code snippet ?

int& Ref_func( int param) {
return (++param);
int main() {
int x = 10, y = 15, z = 14;
y = Ref_func(x);
cout << x << ” “<< y ;

Ref_func(x) = z;
cout << x << ” “<< y;
return 0;


10 11 10 11


11 15 11 15


Compilation Error: invalid function call


Compilation Error: invalid assignment of pointer to non-pointer
Answer(s) : 
a) 10 11 10 11

[quads id=1]

10) Fill up the blanks to get the output: “I love Travelling”

using namespace std;
typedef struct _String { char *str; } String;
____________________________________ {

String s;
s.str = (char *) malloc(strlen(s1.str) +
strlen(s2.str) + 1);
strcpy(s.str, s1.str);
strcat(s.str, s2.str);
return s;
int main() {
String s1, s2, s3;
s1.str = strdup(“I”);
s2.str = strdup(” love Travelling “);
s3 = s1 + s2;

cout << s3.str << endl;
return 0;

a) String operator+(const String& s1, const String& s2)
b) String + operator(const String& s1, const String& s2)
c) String +(const String& s1, const String& s2)
d) string operator+(const String s1, const String& s2)

Answer(s) : 
a) String operator+(const String s1, const String s2)

11) What will be the output/Error of the following code snippet ?

inline int SQR(int x) { return x * x; }

int main() {
int a , b, c;
a = 10, b = 14;
b = SQR(a);
cout << b << endl;
c = SQR(++a);
cout << c << endl;
return 0;


100 121


Compilation Error: invalid function definition


100 132


Compilation Error: invalid function parameter
Answer(s) : 
a) 100 121

[quads id=1]

12) What will be the output/Error of the following code snippet ?

int main(){
int d;

int *p = (int *)operator new(sizeof(int));

d = 5;
*p = d;
cout << ++*p + d++;

return 0;


a) 10
b) 11
c) 12

Compilation Error: pointer not deleted after allocation with new
Answer(s) : 
b) 11